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2019 Faculty Mentoring Award Winner

Manda Riehl

Dr. Riehl is an associate professor of mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and was formerly an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, after earning her PhD at UC San Diego and bachelor’s degree at MIT. She has research interests in discrete mathematics and biomathematics. Her specialties include prediction of RNA secondary structures, pattern avoidance in mathematical structures, and the use of generating functions. Dr. Riehl has a strong record of collaboration with undergraduates, having mentored over 35 students who have regularly given talks in national and international venues. Dr. Riehl and her students have jointly authored 13 papers, including many in top disciplinary journals. A number of these projects gave the students the opportunity to collaborate with other professional researchers from around the country and abroad. She also garnered significant grant funding as co-PI on a $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation entitled “PUR: Partnership for Undergraduate Research: Enhancing the Undergraduate Curriculum”. Dr. Riehl believes in the transformative power of faculty-student mentoring relationships, not just professionally, but personally as well, having experienced it herself. In her nomination, one of her students wrote: “I attribute [my] successes in large part to the strong mathematical foundation in research and teaching that Manda provided me…and to the remarkable opportunities she has afforded me through her sustained advocacy throughout these years.” Another student wrote: “Without [Dr. Riehl’s] encouragement and confidence, I would not have had such an incredible opportunity… I was able to be a leader. Dr Riehl pushed us to accomplish more than we thought was possible… I hold the time with her as my research mentor very close to my heart.”